Thomas Walls School of Music is proud to present a guitar workshop with internationally acclaimed guitarist Southside Denny Snyder.
This special event will take place at Thomas Walls School of Music, 505 Albert St. East, Monday January 13 at 7 p.m.
The guitar workshop will start with ideas from Denny's guitar instructional book Essential Guitar Tools and will cover a wide variety of subjects such as general Blues and rock improvising (what makes it all work), alternate tuning and slide playing, alternate tunings in regard to finger style playing, and some licks and tricks.
Any of these subjects or a mixture can be called upon.
Denny likes to leave the sessions open for questions as he is very good at fielding questions that may come up during a session, and can shift between subjects in a heartbeat to make a point, technique or thought more evident.
All participants are encouraged to bring a guitar (preferably acoustic) and a slide to the session, as examples will be demonstrated and played during the workshop.
The workshop is generally ended with a group 12 bar blues jam.
Players at all levels from beginner to professionals are sure to learn something new, and most of all have fun with the guitar!
The cost is $10.
To reserve a spot in advance or for more information contact Thomas Walls School of Music: (705) 946-1981.
The guitar workshop that was held last March was a smashing success.
And thanks to all who came out.
In addition to the workshop, Southside Denny will also be performing live at Cafe Natura on Sunday January 12 at 7 p.m.
Denny will be performing original blues and acoustic instrumental material.
He will be joined by local musician Lindsay Pugh.
Admission is $10.
Southside Denny bio
Born and raised in South Bend, Indiana, Southside Denny is a legendary bluesrocker and acoustic fingerstyle player with nine albums to his credit.
He began growing his reputation in the early 1980s being often associated with and seen on stage with numerous Chicago musical heroes and influences such as Luther Allison, Sugar Blue, Pinetop Perkins.
Denny has also performed as opening act for many other stellar acts such as Ray Charles, Buddy Guy, Stevie Ray Vaughan, Taj Mahal, Lonnie Mack, and Albert Collins.
In the early 1990s he scored a regular spot at Buddy Guy's Legends in Chicago by catching the owners eye at a jam night.
During that time, then club manager (Eric Maxen) referred to Denny's music as being somewhere between Buddy Guy and Johnny Winter.
In 1999, he was chosen as the second recipient of the Ole Harv award for lifetime promotion of blues music in the Michiana, Indiana area.
And a year later, represented his home state of Indiana in the International Blues Challenge in Memphis.
On arriving in Montréal in 2007, he captured third place at the Montréal Grand Prix du Guitare.
In 2010 he was awarded Blues Album of the Year in Québec at the gala Lys in Montréal for his 2009 release titled Full Circle.
In Québec he has performed at the International Festival du Jazz du Montréal (Salon de Guitare), and the International Festival du blues de Mont Tremblant, Trois Rivières en Blues, L'October Blues, Blues de Farnham, Lachute en Blues and many others.
For more information on Denny check him out at:, and