To say that John Hornstein is your typical artist would be an understatement. The walls of his home are lined with his beautiful artwork. Sadly, just over 5 years ago, John was in a terrible bicycle accident that left him a quadriplegic. We wanted to lift his spirits this holiday season so Santa Shaylan surprised John with a brand new quad-mouse courtesy of our anonymous donor. He will now be able to continue to do the thing he loves with the help of this special computer aid. Merry Christmas John.
Make sure you tune in to every day for more surprises from our 12 Days of Christmas 2014.
Day 1 - On the first day of Christmas, we pay a visit to Lora Lee
Day 2 - On the second day of Christmas Andree gets a surprise
Day 3 - On the third day of Christmas Holly gets a jolly visit
Day 3 - On the third day of Christmas, Santa Shaylan visits the Elks
Day 4 - On the fourth day of Christmas, Santa Jasmyn visits a loving neighbour
Day 4 - On the fourth day of Christmas, an unexpected surprise for an expecting mom
Day 5 - On the fifth day of Christmas, Santa Shaylan visits Shelly
Day 5 - On the fifth day of Christmas, Santa Jasmyn visits Vinson
Grow your heart three sizes this season with the Village Media Pay It Forward program. Choose from one of our selected local charities or reach out to another in our community. Make a donation from your wallet or volunteer your time. Christmas, after all, means a little bit more.