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ONTARIO: LTC commission says nursing homes were neglected, sector needs reform

ONTARIO: LTC commission says nursing homes were neglected, sector needs reform

Despite numerous past reviews, commissions and inquiries recommending improvements, the sector was completely unprepared for the pandemic, the Long-Term Care COVID-19 Commission said
CANADA: Ford asks to suspend arrival of international students, Trudeau says

CANADA: Ford asks to suspend arrival of international students, Trudeau says

Ford has repeatedly blamed the COVID-19 pandemic's third wave on "porous borders," including in a news conference on Friday
ONTARIO: Government freezes college, university tuition fees for residents for second year

ONTARIO: Government freezes college, university tuition fees for residents for second year

Ross Romano, minister of colleges and universities, says domestic out-of-province students could see their tuition go up again this year
CANADA: Female veteran shares experience with sexual misconduct, abuse of power in military

CANADA: Female veteran shares experience with sexual misconduct, abuse of power in military

Witness says she saw firsthand the culture of secrecy and adultery that isn't spoken of outside military circles
CANADA: Crime victims need help through grueling, traumatic parole process, advocates say

CANADA: Crime victims need help through grueling, traumatic parole process, advocates say

Nearly 1,500 people so far have signed a petition to the House of Commons launched last week asking that a parliamentary committee review the federal Victims Bill of Rights
CANADA: Blue Jays cut ties with Alomar following investigation into sexual misconduct

CANADA: Blue Jays cut ties with Alomar following investigation into sexual misconduct

Alomar posted a statement on Twitter saying he's "disappointed, surprised and upset" with the news and hopes the allegation will be addressed in a way that allows him to "address the accusation directly"
CANADA: How colonialism is rooted in the present

CANADA: How colonialism is rooted in the present

You can't put a time stamp on colonialism, experts say
ONTARIO: Long-term care COVID-19 commission to deliver final report to province

ONTARIO: Long-term care COVID-19 commission to deliver final report to province

As of Thursday, 3,768 long-term care residents have died of COVID-19 in Ontario
ONTARIO: Benzodiazepine prescriptions for sleep, anxiety rising for young women, study says

ONTARIO: Benzodiazepine prescriptions for sleep, anxiety rising for young women, study says

Despite the rise for young women, there has been a general decline in the last seven years in Ontario
CANADA: Transat AT reaches $700-million aid deal with federal government

CANADA: Transat AT reaches $700-million aid deal with federal government

Transat said $390 million will be used to help support its business, while $310 million will be used to provide reimbursements to travellers