One Person For Bail Court:
36 year old Jason Lajeunesse of 864 Queen Street East is awaiting bail court in relation to theft and fraud charges. It is alleged that on the 15th of October 2009 a person known to the accused had given him her van and money to do errands and pay bills. He failed to do both but instead departed the city with several hundred dollars in cash and the victim’s motor vehicle. The accused was arrested on the 16th of October 2009 at 2:20 a.m. by the Wawa detachment of the Ontario Provincial Police and subsequently returned to Sault Ste. Marie. He has been charged with one count of theft under five thousand dollars, one count of theft over five thousand dollars, possession of stolen property, and empty envelop fraud.
Impaired Driver:
On the 15th of October 2009 at 11:23 p.m. patrol officers observed a dodge minivan proceeding north on Gore Street at an apparent high rate of speed. The vehicle was stopped on Albert Street East where the driver was found to be under the influence of alcohol. He was subsequently arrested and charged for impaired operation of a motor vehicle and consuming over the legal limit. 52 year old Richard Rodolphe Richer of 470 Burton Avenue in Sudbury Ontario is to appear in court on the 23rd of November 2009 to answer to the charges.
Sudbury Media Release Regarding Unauthorized Access to Internet Accounts:
The Greater Sudbury Police Service has directed the public to exercise caution when using the Internet and in particular social networking websites and chat rooms. They further state:
“There has been a noted increase of calls for service relating to young females accepting unknown persons as friends (or persons they believe to be their friends) on their chat room and social networking websites friend list. Once accepted these individuals will do one of two things
• Ask personal questions to obtain information to determine account passwords, or
• Request the account holder to access a website link which once accessed and a login is entered will provide the suspect with the account password
After changing the password, the suspects will then hold the account captive. The suspect will offer to return control when the account holder, generally a young female, exposes themselves on a web camera or performs a sexual act.
The return of the account will not occur as the suspect will then threaten to send images of the young teens, which they record, to everyone on the victim’s contact lists unless they continue to perform sexual acts on web camera for them.
Although the Internet is a great educational tool and a place where friends and family can communicate worldwide, there are those who continue to use its anonymity to prey upon society and in particular our youth.”
The Sault Ste. Marie Police Service has not received as of yet any calls for service regarding this problem. However, youths and their parents are reminded to remain vigilant and guarded with respect to the internet and in particular social networking websites and chat rooms.