Four Domestic Related Arrests for Bail Court Appearance this Morning
1) A 29 year-old male was arrested on the 27th of March at 2:40 pm while in custody at the Algoma Treatment and Remand Centre and charged with one count of mischief, one count of assault with a weapon and one count of breach of a release document. The accused was wanted for a domestic incident from the 24th of March when he allegedly attended at his girlfriend’s residence while under the influence of alcohol, got into a dispute with her and damaged a phone when she attempted to contact police. Further, the accused attempted to take the victim’s dog and drive away in her van and when the victim attempted to stop him he reversed the vehicle towards her and struck her with the van door. The accused also struck the car port with the van causing damaged to it and the van as well. The victim received medical attention for non-life threatening injuries a result of being struck by the vehicle. At the time of the incident, the accused was on recognizance conditions not to consume any alcohol.
2) A 50 year-old female was arrested on the 27th of March at 12:30 pm at an east end residence and charged with two counts of breach of probation for allegedly attending at her ex-boyfriend’s home and communicating with him when on probation conditions not to.
3) A 42 year-old male and his 43 year-old sister were arrested on the evening of the 28th of March and charged each with one count of assault. It is alleged that on the evening of the 28th of March, while at a local hotel, the two got into a dispute with the males’ ex-wife and assaulted her. The 43 year-old female accused is to appear in court on the 3rd of May.
4) A 30 year-old male was arrested on the 29th of March at 2:30 am at his residence and charged with two counts of breach of a release document, four counts of breach of probation and one count of fail to appear court. It is alleged that the accused attended at his ex-common law partner’s residence while under the influence of alcohol while he was on bail conditions not to attend at her residence, not to communicate with her and was also not to consume any alcohol. Further, the accused was wanted on outstanding warrants for mischief and failing to appear court.
Female Arrested for Prostitution
31 year-old Celine Gagne of #12-102 Breton Road was arrested on the 26th of March at 9:58 pm on Blucher Street at Albert Street East and charged with one count of prostitution and one count of breach of probation. It is alleged that the Sault Ste. Marie Police Service Street Team arrested the accused after conducting an investigation into prostitution. At the time of the incident, the accused was on probation conditions to keep the peace and be good. She is to attend in court on the 3rd of May.
Female Arrested on Outstanding Warrant
40 year-old Irene Sardo of 167 Tancred Street was arrested on the 27th of March at 2:30 pm at her residence on an outstanding warrant and charged with one count of fail to appear court. She is to attend in bail court this morning.
Shoplifting Arrests
45 year-old Andrew Swan of 626 Albert Street West (Main) was arrested on the 26th of March at 5:45 pm Zellers in the Station Mall and charged with one count of theft under $5,000.00 after he allegedly attended at the store and stole some items. He is to appear in court on the 26th of April.
31 year-old Chad Guerin of #302- 844 Queen Street was arrested on the 28th of March at 6:32 pm at Wal-Mart and charged with two counts of theft under $5,000.00 after he allegedly attended at the store on two separate occasions on this date and stole two televisions. He is to appear in court on the 10th of March.
Break and Enter Reports
• A residence on Third Line East was entered on the 28th of March. Various tools were stolen.
• A residence on Second Line West was entered on the 28th of March. Cash, a Play station 3 and a Wii game console were reported stolen.
• A garage on Gillies Street was broken into. No items were reproved missing.
Mischief and Thefts from Vehicles
• Several vehicles were vandalized and several gone through over the past weekend in the areas of Hugill Street, Church Street, Wellington Street West, Queen Street East, Great Northern Road, King Street Pine Street, Elgin Street and Smale Avenue. Cash/change, a purse and laptops were some of the items reported stolen.
• A residence window on Albert Street East was smashed.
Parking By-law Reminder
The Sault Ste. Marie Police Service is reminding motorists that the no parking of vehicles on city streets between midnight and 6 am by-law is still in effect until midnight on March 31st. Persons who disobey this by-law will receive a $15 fine and may have their vehicle towed. If your vehicle is towed you then have the additional cost of the towing and storage fee at the compound. Even when there is no snow, the by-law is in effect.