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Thursday, August 25, 2005

Male Charged with Two Counts Breach of a Release Document A 35-year old male will appear in bail court this morning.
Male Charged with Two Counts Breach of a Release Document

A 35-year old male will appear in bail court this morning. Just before 2 am this morning City Police attended in the parking lot of the Police Services Building in regards to male and female having a verbal argument. It is alleged that the couple were in a vehicle when they started to argue which resulted in the female pulling into the police station. No physical assault took place but a query of the male revealed that he was on a release document with a curfew of 11 pm and also with conditions not to consume alcohol. The male was subsequently arrested for 2 counts of breach of a release document.

Male Charged with Mischief

A 47-year old male was arrested just after 1:30 this morning. It is alleged at that time that the accused attended at his ex-girlfriend’s residence, wearing a wig and a hat. The accused attempted to start to spray paint his ex’s vehicles but was chased away and caught by some friends of the victim. Police were called and the male was arrested. Further investigation alleges that on August 18th the male attended at the victim’s centrally located residence while wearing a wig and a mask and spray painted the victim’s vehicle. It is also believed that on the 8th of August the accused spray painted his ex-girlfriends vehicle. The accused has been charged with 2 counts of mischief under $5,000, one count of attempt mischief under $5,000, one count of trespassing at night, one count of criminal harassment, and two counts of disguise with intent. The accused will appear in bail court this morning.

Youth Charged with Arson

Yesterday afternoon City Police arrested a 13-year old youth and charged the youth with one count of arson and one count of threatening to cause death or bodily harm. It is alleged that on the 20th of May the accused lit a fire in a shed in the 100 block of Goulais Avenue that destroyed the shed and it’s contents. The damage estimate is approximately $16,000. It is also alleged that the youth threatened to harm a witness to the fire. The youth will appear in court on September 27th.

Break and Enters

Yesterday City Police received a report of a break and enter to a garage in the 100 block of Sunset Court. The break and entered occurred overnight and tools were taken, including a nail gun. A homeowner in the same block also reported that their vehicle had been gone through and that a go-cart had been stolen and recovered.

Between 1 am and 2 am on the 24th of August thieves broke a lock off a Coca Cola truck and removed 15 cases of bottled coke. The incident occurred at their warehouse. If you know where the pop may be contact City Police or Crime Stoppers. Yesterday afternoon City Police attended at the Verdi Hall in regards to an attempt break and enter that occurred between August 23rd and 24th.