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Thursday, December 2, 2004

Help Avoid Unnecessary Accidents City Police would like to remind motorists to adjust their driving habits accordingly. Last evening 5 motor vehicle collisions were investigated and slippery road conditions played a role in them.
Help Avoid Unnecessary Accidents

City Police would like to remind motorists to adjust their driving habits accordingly. Last evening 5 motor vehicle collisions were investigated and slippery road conditions played a role in them. Drivers need to reduce their speed, allow for a longer stopping distance, and allow a larger distance between their vehicle and the vehicle ahead of them. Leave home a little earlier to allow a safe arrive at your destination. It appears that winter is upon us. By allowing yourself a little more travel time, as well as adjusting your driving to the wintry conditions, you can help avoid an unnecessary accident.

Two Male Youths Charged With Breach Of Probation

A 14 and a 15 year old youth will be appear in bail court this morning. Just before 1 am this morning patrol officers came across the youths in the downtown area. A query of the 2 revealed that the 14 year old was on probation with a curfew of 9 pm to 7 am. The 15 year old was on probation with terms not to associate with the 14 year old, as well as having a curfew of 8:30 pm. In addition to the probation curfew there was also a release document with a curfew of 8:30 pm. The 14-year old has been charged with one count of breach of probation and the 15-year old has been charged with 2 counts of breach of probation and one count of breach of a release document.

Male Charged With Threatening to Cause Death

Last evening City Police arrested a 28-year old male after receiving a complaint from the male’s ex-girlfriend. It is alleged that in November and again yesterday the accused threatening to kill her. At the time of the incidents the accused was on probation with terms to keep the peace and be good. The accused has been charged with one count of breach of probation and two counts of threatening to cause death or bodily harm. The accused will appear in court on January 10, 2005.

Break And Enters

City Police received a number of reports of break and enters yesterday. A home in the 200 block on Laurier Avenue was entered and jewellery and a purse were taken. A shed on Pardee Avenue was entered and an Easygo green golf cart with a canopy and windshield were taken as well as a lawnmower. An attempt was made to enter a residence on Clearview Drive but would be thieves were not successful at this address. A home in the 100 block of Village Court was entered and it is unknown at this time what was taken. A shed on Douglas St was entered and a bike was taken.