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Tuesday, November 22, 2005

Male Charged with Breach of Probation A 23-year old male will appear in bail court this morning after being arrested and charged with one count of threatening and three counts of breach of probation.
Male Charged with Breach of Probation

A 23-year old male will appear in bail court this morning after being arrested and charged with one count of threatening and three counts of breach of probation. It is alleged that on November 20th the accused threatened to kill his girlfriend during the course of an argument. At the time of the offence the accused was on probation with conditions not to molest, harass or annoy the victim. Officers located the accused just after 1 am this morning and he was arrested without incident.

Male Charged with Criminal Harassment

A 26-year old male was arrested last evening and charged with one count of criminal harassment and two counts of breach of probation. It is alleged that between September of 2004 and September of 2005 the accused wrote 20-30 unwanted letters to his ex-girlfriend. It is further alleged that between November 11th and 14th of this year the accused called the victim a number of times and left either phone messages or spoke to the victim directly. The accused was on probation at this time of the offences. The male will appear in bail court this morning.

Male Smashes Window At Local Bar

51-year old Stephen Durette of 904-651 Bay Street was arrested around 3:30 am this morning. It is alleged that the accused smashed a window at Smack Daddy’s Bar and Grill located at 415 Pim Street by throwing rocks through the window. The accused was located by police and charged with one count of mischief and one count of breach of probation. He will appear in bail court this morning.

Break and Enter

City Police attended in the 100 block of Sunnydale Road yesterday for a break and enter. Sometime between 9:30 pm and 9:30 pm on November 20th, thieves entered the residence and stole an undisclosed amount of money. Some of the money taken included a few older style 100-dollar bills. If you know who is responsible for this break, enter and theft, contact Crime Stoppers at 942-7867 or 1-800-222-TIPS. If your information leads to an arrest, you could be eligible for a cash reward of up to $2,000.
Yesterday City Police took a report of a theft from a vehicle in the 100 block of Florwin Drive. Overnight between the 20th and 21st thieves entered an unlocked vehicle and stole a DVD player/stereo, hockey equipment and Oakley sunglasses.