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Tuesday, October 26, 2004

BREACH OF RELEASE A 32-year old male will appear in bail court today after being charged with one count of breaching his release document.
A 32-year old male will appear in bail court today after being charged with one count of breaching his release document. On the 18th of October the accused had been arrested and charged with one count of criminal harassment in regards to an ex-girlfriend. At that time, the accused was released from custody with conditions to not communicate with the victim. The accused continued to call the victim after his release and as a result was arrested yesterday morning.

Yesterday afternoon 3 persons went into RJ’s Market at 238 Wellington St W and left with almost $95 in unpaid groceries. Police were called and were given a description of the 3 persons as well as a license plate number that an alert staff member copied down as the trio left in the store. Officers were able to locate the vehicle and all 3 persons were arrested without incident. The grocery items had been thrown away by the accused person prior to arrest. Charged with one count each of theft under $5,000 is 27-year old James Ewart of 33-47 Lewis Road, 21-year old Monique Frigault of 432 Wellington Street East, and 38-year old Sandra Laine of 309-277 Northern Avenue. All 3 will appear in court on November 29th.

Yesterday City Police took a report of a home being broken into in the 1400 block of Carpin Beach Road. Thieves ransacked the home and took jewellery, money and a TV. Thieves also entered a home in the 900 block of Airport Road and made off with a computer. Both break and enters in this area occurred between 9 am and 9 pm. A home on Allan Street was also entered yesterday after a homeowner failed to lock the door. A play station appears to be the only thing taken in this break and enter. A home in the 900 block of Wellington Street East was also entered yesterday and it is unknown what was taken at this time. City Police are continuing to actively investigate these break and enters. Be a nosey neighbour. If you see anything suspicious call the City Police right away. Working together we may be able to get these criminals off our streets. If you know who may be responsible for the break and enters around town, but wish to remain anonymous, call Crime Stoppers.

Shortly after midnight this morning while doing routine property checks, officers came across a broken window at Pinewood School at 3924 Queen Street East. Entry had not been gained to the school and it appears that a rock had been thrown through the window. There are no suspects in this matter.