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Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Domestic Incident. A 47 year-old male was arrested on the 8th of October at 1:30 am at the police station after turning himself in. He has been charged with one count of assault and two counts of forcible confinement.
Domestic Incident.

A 47 year-old male was arrested on the 8th of October at 1:30 am at the police station after turning himself in. He has been charged with one count of assault and two counts of forcible confinement. It is alleged that on the 7th of October at approximately 7:30 pm the accused assaulted his common law spouse in the parking lot of the Greyhound Bus Terminal on Brock Street by grabbing her by the shoulders, pushing her and pinning her up against a wall. The victim, who was attempting to get onto the Greyhound bus, was continuously confined and held by the accused against her will. A Greyhound employee intervened and police were called. The accused left the area before police arrived.

Female Youth Charged for Stealing Mother’s Bank Card

A 15 year-old female youth was arrested on the 7th of October at 8:15 pm at her residence and charged with one count of theft under $5,000.00 and one count of possession of property obtained by crime. It is alleged that on the 6th of October the accused stole her mother’s bank card while at their residence and later used the card to withdraw money from her account. She is to appear in court on the 18th of November.

Property Crimes:

One report of a break and enter to a cottage on Maki Road. It was entered sometime during the past week. It is not known what was taken.

Theft Reports:

Several Vehicles were entered during the past two evenings:

Police remind the public that they should not leave any valuables or personal property in their vehicles.

- In the 700 block of Black Road –four vehicles entered - a snow machine helmet, money and a diamond necklace were reported stolen.
- In the 100 block of Pozzebon Crescent – change was stolen
- On Northwood Street – a measuring tape in a brass case and some tools were stolen
- A wallet was stolen on Drake Street
- In the 600 block of Garden River Road – a cell phone and money were stolen

- A licence plate was stolen off a vehicle parked in the 600 block of Albert Street West.
- A bike was stolen in the 100 block of Cathcart Street.

Mischief Reports:

- A fence was damaged in the 100 block of Pim Street.
- A garage was damaged in the 600 block of Albert Street West.