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COVID-19 case at R.M. Moore Public School: ADSB

Close contacts have been notified
Algoma District School Board office file photo. Darren Taylor/SooToday

Algoma District School Board has alerted parents tonight that 'an individual associated with' R.M. Moore Public School has tested positive for COVID-19.

The board says APH has identified close contacts and they have been notified.

The following is an advisory posted to the ADSB website:

Dear ADSB Parents and Guardians,

Algoma Public Health (APH) has advised us that an individual associated with R.M. Moore Public School has tested positive for COVID-19.

At this time, APH has conducted a careful investigation and has identified and notified anyone considered a close contact. Examples of close contacts include household members, people who have been in direct physical contact, and people who have spent more than 15 minutes together within 2 metres or 6 feet of each other, such as while sharing a meal or being in the same carpool. Brief interactions, like walking past someone in a hallway or on the sidewalk, are not generally considered close contact  situations.  APH directly calls all those that are considered high risk and sends a letter via email to all those considered low risk.  All contacts in this scenario are low risk.

Please be reassured that we are reviewing and confirming enhanced cleaning protocols at the school.  We know COVID-19 is present in our community, thus everyone is reminded to engage in practices to help reduce the potential spread of COVID-19, including:

  • Screening children/themselves
  • Staying home when sick
  • Minimizing contacts
  • Cleaning and disinfecting surfaces
  • Using personal protective equipment when appropriate (masking, eye protection)
  • Ensuring proper hand hygiene
  • Maintaining physical distancing.

We wish the individual a quick and full recovery.

For more information:

Please visit the APH website at