Jurnee Stadnisky is an inspiring local woman who has risen above the challenges she's faced to live an active, independent life. Jurnee was born with Cerebral Palsy, which left her unable to talk or walk. That hasn't slowed her down, though. Jurnee is passionate about pushing her boundaries and staying as active as possible. She was the first female athlete to start wheelchair racing in her high school in Ontario.
Jurnee is also a former Easter Seals Ambassador, who has greatly benefitted from the program. Watch as Jurnee shares her experience with Easter Seals, and why she feels its such a worthy cause for the community to support.
Our local Sault Ste. Marie Easter Seals Telethon takes place this Sunday, Mar. 26 from noon to 6 p.m. The telethon will be aired live on ShawTV. More information can be found on the Easter Seals website: http://eastersealstel