If you’re a young person interested in nature and the environment, this sponsorship opportunity may be for you.
The Sault Naturalists Club is looking to sponsor at least one delegate between the ages of 14-20 to the Ontario Nature Youth Summit. The summit is an opportunity to develop leadership skills, while gaining an understanding of natural life and searching for solutions to environmental problems.
The sponsorship covers the cost of enrolment, which is $150. If more than one young person applies for the sponsorship, the winner will be determined by random draw.
This year, because of the COVID-19 pandemic, it will be a virtual summit.
“This year's summit will consist of a series of online events and at-home challenges, with livestreams on four Saturday afternoons from Aug. 22 to Sept. 19. It will feature workshops, keynote speakers, and plenty of group activities and challenges to get participants outdoors. All of the workshops and activities reflect topics that are important to today’s youth,” said club president Dave Euler.
These youth summits - hosted by the Ontario Nature Youth Council - bring together around 100 students from grades 9-12 from across Ontario. The activities will help participants connect with like-minded people from across the province. More details can be found at online.
If you or anyone you know might be interested in attending this year’s virtual Ontario Nature Youth Summit, please contact Dave Euler before Aug. 5. by calling (705) 254-8796.
To learn more about the Sault Naturalists Club, visit here