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July 9 2015

We always had fun, got in trouble and would laugh until we cried or our abs became too sore. I can still hear it sometimes– that laugh, your laugh – so contagious and absolutely made just for you . I can see your bright blue eyes with heaven in them, your kindness and goodness I can still feel. You were everything I wasn’t . You showed me everything I was missing, you were the mother I needed ,the sister everyone wanted , the friend everyone deserves, the person I strived to be , I don't know a better person . You were and still are the best friend of my life, my soul sister and goal pusher. What we shared will never die and lives in my heart bringing strength and comfort while we are apart . Always on my mind , forever in my heart ❤️ We all miss you more than you know .

Sending hugs to heaven,
Carolyn & The Robinsons