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Hilton teen wins political award

Mackenzie Hulme is both surprised and proud as an Everyday Political Citizen finalist for 2015
Everyday Political Citizen Award MH
Recipient of the 2015 Samara Everyday Political Citizen , Mackenze Hulme flanked by Algoma-Manitoulin-Kapuskasing MP, Carol Hughes (L) and Central Algoma Secondary School Principal Jana Tetreault

Mackenzie Hulme is both surprised and proud as an Everyday Political Citizen finalist for 2015.

“I was shocked to be nominated and honored to make the short list,” she said. “But, finalist I didn’t think I was that good. It’s a real honour for me to get this award.”

The 16-year-old Hilton Township teen and Grade 11 student at Central Algoma Secondary School was presented with the 2015 Samara Everyday Political Citizen and a Certificate by Algoma-Manitoulin-Kapuskasing MP, Carol Hughes in front of Hulme’s classmates.

Also on hand for the presentation, CASS principal, Jana Tetreault.

During her address, Hughes told sociology students that to her knowledge, Hulme was the only recipient from the region to have won such an award.

Hulme was one of five short listed in the under 18 category from the more than 300 nominations. Other categories included 18-29 and 30+.

Hughes said part of what she enjoys as MP is honoring or recognizing someone for something they have done or achieved.

“We are have something within us when we decide put our mind to it, or interested in we will follow down that path,” Hughes said adding she hopes at some point, Hulme will follow that path and become a future Prime Minister.

Hughes intends to recognize Hulme on Tuesday as part of International Women’s Day.

Somara recognizes individuals that become interested in politics and really moving that yard stick by getting involved, sharing their experience and knowledge with others.

Friend and fellow Page, Matthew Mansour of Kitchener, Ont. nominated Hulme explaining the determination and interest Hulme displayed.

In 2012, Hulmes, then a Grade 7 student at St. Joseph Island Central School spent three weeks in the Ontario Legislative Page Program.
She went on to be involved in the model parliament program in the Legislature to more recently Hulme’s is one of two Student Trustees with the Algoma District School Board.

“It’s your community involvement, your interest in politics and your willingness to share that with others,” she said. “It really is important. You (students) are the future leaders of this country and if you want change you need to take that step up and be able to push for change as well being knowledgeable about areas from elections to issues, is extremely important. It does matter and you can make a difference.”

Tuesday, Hughes said she has a statement she will be making in the House and will tie in this presentation to International Women’s Day.

“Women still have a lot of challenges in life right now getting equality and parity,” Hughes added.

In an interview following the presentation Hulme said, though her career choice is Human Resource Management, and not politics as a profession career path.

However, Hulme is very interesting in continuing to volunteer with parliamentary
representatives such as Algoma- Manitoulin MPP, Mike Mantha during his reelection.

“If things change, it’s a good fall back for me,” she added.

Hulme would encourage a young people considering the Page Program or career in politics or volunteering, to “Go for it. Do it.”

“Politics isn’t something, especially in this area that is all gun-ho. People here, unlike Toronto, do not know what party they like and I feel they are not informed enough,” she said.

The Page Program, Hulme’s described as the best experience she had in her life having gained not only an increase in political knowledge, a love for Toronto but 23 new best friends.

A new opportunity awaits Hulme’s in 2017. She will be taking part Forum for Young Canadians in Ottawa.

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Donna Schell

About the Author: Donna Schell

Donna Schell is a longtime St. Joseph Island resident and freelance journalist who has been covering the Island and surrounding area for nearly two decades.
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