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Alzheimer Society needs your help

NEWS RELEASE ALZHEIMER SOCIETY ************************* Did you know that at age 65 you have a 1 in 10 chance of being affected by Alzheimer’s disease, and by age 85 your chances increase to 1 in 2? Additionally, 72 percent of all people affec



Did you know that at age 65 you have a 1 in 10 chance of being affected by Alzheimer’s disease, and by age 85 your chances increase to 1 in 2?

Additionally, 72 percent of all people affected by Alzheimer’s disease are women.

You can help!

In support of the increasing need for services that are provided by the local Alzheimer Society, the local chapter is in need of canvassers for the annual door to door campaign in January.

If you enjoy walking, the outdoors, helping people, and want to make a difference, call the Alzheimer Society at 705-942-2195 to canvass your street or a street in your neighbourhood.

Funds raised support services such as Education, Recreation Therapy and Support for local people affected by Alzheimer’s disease and their families.


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