To show their gratitude to the community for its exemplary efforts to stay safe during the pandemic, the physicians and pharmacists at the West End COVID Testing Clinic and West End Pharmasave have donated $10,000 to the Christmas Cheer 2020 Drive.
“We have been so proud of our community over its’ respect and vigilance for following the message from our leaders at Algoma Public Health, that we wanted to do something to give back,” says Dr. Stephen Smith, a local emergency physician and physician at the Testing Clinic. “As the holiday season fast approaches, we want to continue to remind our homecoming friends and family of a few tips as they prepare to spend the holiday with their loved ones. If you are spending time with people outside your household it should be outdoors. If this is not possible, maintain a two-meter distance and wear a mask, even indoors with family.”
“We’d also like to remind Saultites that even though the COVID vaccine is now being administered to patients in Ontario, we will not likely see it in our pharmacies until spring. It is incredibly important that we continue to stay vigilant during the next few months,” added Jordan Jack co-owner of two local Pharmasaves.
If anyone in the public requires a COVID swab based on their self-assessment, please visit our clinic at 658 Second Line W. (walk-ins welcome) or the SAH Assessment Centre 705-759-3434 ext. 7152 (appointment only).
The West End COVID Testing Clinic is open Monday - Friday 9 a.m. - 3 p.m. We will be closed weekends and Dec. 24, 25, 28, 31, 2020, and Jan. 1, 2021.
West End Pharmasave is open every day, all year, except Dec. 25.
Stay Safe and Happy Holidays.