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Kidney Walk nearing $13K goal as walk day approaches

With the annual walk to be held virtually on Sunday, close to $12,500 has already been raised
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This Sunday, Sept. 26 is our annual Kidney Walk. Once again, we will be doing the virtual format. The great part is that it is a province-wide event, and once again as last year, opening ceremonies kick off online at 10 a.m. Sunday, and that’s when walkers will be encouraged to set out and do their own family or group of friends walk in honour of Kidney Patients.

Our Sault Ste. Marie goal this year is $13,000 and we are squeaking very close to $12,500 with two days to go. Following is a direct link to our Ontario walk page.

Our Kidney Walk ambassador this year is Christina Kenny. She has been part of the Kidney Walk for over a decade, as part of Team Tassone. So far Team Tassone has raised $1,370.

Marci Oliverio, as Captain of her team “Third Chance” has already raised over $2,000.

Tracy Patrick, who has been a phenomenal fundraiser for the Kidney Foundation has raised over $6,000 so far.

Walkers are encouraged to share pictures from their walk this Sunday to @Ontario Kidney Walk. To top off, Fratelli’s Kitchen is offering 15 per cent of all pizza proceeds to the Kidney Foundation all day on Sunday, Sept. 26!



