Two day event to raise awareness about the issues facing victims and survivors of crime
Freedom Sisters would like to invite the community of Sault Ste. Marie to our “Supporting Voices of the North” conference June 2 and June 3 at the Delta Waterfront Hotel in honour of Survivor & Victims of Crime Week which starts May 30 until June 5.
This 2-day event is to raise awareness about the issues facing victims and survivors of crime about the services, assistance, and laws in place that are available to help victims, survivors, and their families.
We are excited to welcome CAST Canada on Day One with their “Trauma Essentials” workshop.
This workshop has a dynamic blend of transformational experience, discussions, and information delivery for professionals.
Day Two, we will welcome guest speaker, Pamela Cross, who will be presenting “It Should Be This Hard” and “Getting Practical” that would give those attending tools and tips for working with violence against woman with an afternoon with other guests.
If you are interested in attending, can register by email Freedom Sisters at with the attendees name(s), agency (if applicable), Day One and/or Day Two, and if you are a professional, student, or survivor.
This educational experience has a cost of $25 per person for 1 day or $40 a person for both days. We have special rates for students and survivors.
For more information, you can call Dawn with Freedom Sisters at (705)297-3879.
We would also like to take this moment to thank the Department of Justice Canada for providing funding for this event.
Deadline for registration has been extended until noon on May 30. Send in your registration today to reserve your seat!