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Turn your old tires into a dream come true

For someone who really needs it
old tires



Old tires mean new dreams in seventh annual Tire Take Back event

Bickell Auto Parts invites Sault Ste. Marie community members to recycle their used tires for free to support The Sunshine Foundation of Canada 

Get outdoors and enjoy the spring weather by taking your old tires to your local recycling business, Bickell Auto Parts, who is taking part in the province-wide Tire Take Back campaign to raise money in support of The Sunshine Foundation of Canada, a Canadian charitable organization that makes dreams come true for children with severe physical disabilities or life-threatening illnesses. 

Bickell Auto Parts is partnering with Ontario Automotive Recyclers Association (OARA), Ontario Federation of Agriculture and Ontario Tire Stewardship (OTS) to host the Tire Take Back collection event where all collection allowances associated with each Passenger, Light Truck and Agricultural tire dropped off during business hours will be donated to The Sunshine Foundation.

More than 64,000 tires were collected last year across Ontario during the Tire Take Back events, raising over $118,000.  The funds raised help The Sunshine Foundation fulfil dreams for children within its network, including trips of a lifetime, meeting an idol, and providing adaptive mobility devices. In recent years, children were even sent on a DreamLift to Disneyworld. To put this program into perspective, the fees collected from four tires can buy a princess tiara or Mickey Mouse ears!

What:     Community tire collection fundraiser to help The Sunshine Foundation make dreams come true for children living with severe disabilities or life threatening illnesses.

When: May 24 to June 3 , 2016, Monday – Friday  8 a.m. to 5 p.m.

Where:     Bickell Auto Parts, 997 Carpin Beach Road, Sault  Ste. Marie, On  P6A 5K8    


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