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National News

Canadian Forces close colleges and training centres to fight COVID-19

Canadian Forces close colleges and training centres to fight COVID-19

OTTAWA — The Canadian military is closing its colleges, recruit school and training institutions during the COVID-19 pandemic. Those include the Royal Military College in Kingston, Ont., and the College militaire royal in St-Jean, Que.
Parks Canada to close national parks, historic sites to vehicle traffic

Parks Canada to close national parks, historic sites to vehicle traffic

Parks Canada is restricting access in national parks and historic sites after people flocked to the popular areas on the weekend.
Conservative leadership candidates jointly call for delayed vote

Conservative leadership candidates jointly call for delayed vote

OTTAWA — Three contenders vying to become the next federal Conservative leader have banded together to call for the race to be delayed and for fees to be cut in half due to the pressures of the COVID-19 pandemic.
Feds, cities say no immediate plans to use cellphone tracking in COVID-19 fight

Feds, cities say no immediate plans to use cellphone tracking in COVID-19 fight

OTTAWA — The federal government has no immediate plans to use cellphone data to track people's movements during the COVID-19 crisis, Justin Trudeau said Tuesday.
Already stretched, paramedic services feeling bigger crunch from COVID-19

Already stretched, paramedic services feeling bigger crunch from COVID-19

OTTAWA — Paramedics across the country who were already working at capacity say they're being stretched by calls for help with COVID-19 and the extra precautions that come with them.
Governments fight to curb COVID-19 and fallout from growing job losses

Governments fight to curb COVID-19 and fallout from growing job losses

TORONTO — The two-pronged battle to contain the spread of COVID-19 while inoculating the economy against the worst side effects saw governments on Tuesday rush to ease financial hardship amid massive job losses, even as they tightened restrictions th
Canadian troops in Ukraine face uncertainty due to COVID-19 crisis

Canadian troops in Ukraine face uncertainty due to COVID-19 crisis

OTTAWA — The COVID-19 crisis has left 200 Canadian soldiers in Ukraine — and their families back home — in limbo as commanders weigh whether they should be replaced with new troops, kept in place for the time being or pulled out entirely until the pa
Quebec prosecutor's office clears provincial police chief after probe

Quebec prosecutor's office clears provincial police chief after probe

Quebec's director of criminal and penal prosecutions says there will be no charges against the head of the provincial police force. But Chief Martin Prud'homme will have to wait before he's permitted to return to his job.
Medical students running errands for health-care workers and their families

Medical students running errands for health-care workers and their families

They may not yet be allowed on the front lines of Canada's battle against the COVID-19 pandemic, but medical students in several provinces are still finding ways to pitch in.
Business, labour groups say Liberals' COVID-19 wage subsidy too little to help

Business, labour groups say Liberals' COVID-19 wage subsidy too little to help

OTTAWA — A growing number of business and labour groups are urging the federal Liberals to up their promised wage subsidy to help companies hit hard by COVID-19 keep people on their payrolls.