“The Beach is My Happy Place” - The spirit previously known as Patricia Dorothy Lee (aka “Pat Bowden”) proudly guided her family and friends toward her stage-left exit, and was last spotted as an early morning rainbow overlooking the beaches of Lake Superior, on Thursday, February 29, 2024.
Her spirit is carried on by her 4 grandchildren, 2 red-headed sons, 2 stalwart siblings, and a legacy of angels.
A symbol of integrity, perseverance, kindness and love, Pat gave us 74 years like no other human. To her last moments she praised God and forced each of us to see, not just the miracle of life (if you knew her, you know that just wouldn't be enough to satisfy her) but to see each and every miracle that is given to us each and every day. “Because you only have One day at a time… and sometimes just one minute”...and if that moment just happened to be on the beach at Batchewana or with the Special Olympics athletes she coached with Sheila? “Just another miracle” casually echoes across the bay…
Pat was a true spiritual ninja, wrapped in the blanket of an Angel (except her toes, because apparently you can’t feel the beach sand if your toes are covered). Blessed are we all for whom she has graced in this rich experience we call life. Pat was cremated on Monday, March 4, 2024. We invite those who wish, join us in celebration of Pat’s life and the sharing of miracles on Wednesday, March 13, 2024 from 6 pm until 9 pm at the Boiler Room (Steam Fitter's Lounge, 83 Huron St.).
And whenever you need to remember, just take a trip to the beach; close your eyes. Listen. Stay for the miracle.
Arrangements entrusted to Arthur Funeral Home - Barton & Kiteley Chapel (492 Wellington St. E. -705-759-2522). Please visit www.arthurfuneralhome.com obituaries section to leave a message of condolence as a keepsake for the Bowden family.