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okey dokey

Member since: Jun, 2021

Recent Comments

Is it time to decommission the Memorial Tower?

Is it time to decommission the Memorial Tower?

Local News |

okey dokey commented

It is appreciated that solutions are being sought for public safety risks downtown. Here’s something to bring forth.... how about bringing back supervised institutions for homeless people that have demonstrated that they don’t have the capacity to be responsible and self sustaining. Was in London for a few months this year and spent many hours walking around their beautiful downtown. Unfortunately persons living on the sidewalk were an ugly distraction from the beauty and efforts of hard working business people trying to make a living. Same thing in the Sault. Bring back the institutions for chronic mentally damaged. I am sure they would appreciate it too.

15 1 0

Council finalizes plan to save local YMCA — with up to $505K from taxpayers

Council finalizes plan to save local YMCA — with up to $505K from taxpayers

Local News |

okey dokey commented

Just because I/you are entitled to an opinion doesn’t guarantee one of us is right/ your best and have a thankful day!

0 4 0

okey dokey commented

Relax.... why so much negativity???? Trust our elected decision makers and support them.
One of the last things we need is another large vacant building. The Y is a proven community oriented center that just has to reset to get back on track to current times. Go Y Go!

5 11 0

'Like a nightmare': Sault tenant frustrated with southern Ontario landlord

'Like a nightmare': Sault tenant frustrated with southern Ontario landlord

Local News |

okey dokey commented

Absolute negligence. Immediate charges should apply with the strongest penalties. Property Standards and Fire Code

10 0 0

'Frustrating and unacceptable': Moxness gets earful from council for derelict properties

'Frustrating and unacceptable': Moxness gets earful from council for derelict properties

Local News |

okey dokey replied

The decision does not have to be based on the questionable character of the applicant. It must be based on applicable Standards. Pretty straight forward if you asked me.

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okey dokey commented

I don’t understand why Council has to allow for a reduction in Performance Standards. These standards serve a proven purpose, just as the Building Code does. These standards should not be compromised. Big mistake here.

6 1 0

Would you spend $16,000 for a New Year’s ball drop downtown?

Would you spend $16,000 for a New Year’s ball drop downtown?

Local News |

okey dokey commented

Do a countdown on the screen. Good project for up and coming graphic designers.

3 3 0

Poilievre spends Sunday in the Sault, attacking Trudeau at every stop

Poilievre spends Sunday in the Sault, attacking Trudeau at every stop

Local News |

okey dokey commented

Hey folks...we are the government...We just vote for leaders to try to steer our massive ship.
Pretty stormy world if you haven't noticed. Will take our whole team to work this out. Frankly, I fear PP and the Cons at the helm.

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