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Member since: Jun, 2015

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No school Thursday as public elementary teachers give walkout notice

No school Thursday as public elementary teachers give walkout notice

Local News |

brlortie replied

Exactly. Sounds like you got some teachers that were in it for the pension and summers off. If you raise the wage, more will want to teach and you can pick better teachers. If you want the best, you have to pay the best. This isn't a 4 year plan, it's playing the long game

2 3

brlortie replied

Teachers salary and pension sets a benchmark to strive for. Good pay and reliable pension should be the norm. I say pay teachers more money. Make teaching jobs highly sought after and attract the best of the best. Our kids are worth it

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Province looks at implementing regular annual spring bear hunt

Province looks at implementing regular annual spring bear hunt

Local News |

brlortie replied

They don't stink

1 1

brlortie replied

There is nothing senseless about it. Bear meat is good protein that tastes great. Better than what's available in the grocery store. Plus, the hide is beautiful, thick, warm...

6 2

brlortie replied

I don't know where you live but everywhere I look I am surrounded by bush. Deep, dark foreboding bush. Bush so thick you need a logging road to access it.

4 0

brlortie replied

Never, it would take a bear tens of thousands, if not hundreds of thousands of years to evolve opposable thumbs. Without the thumbs...

2 0

Workweek Outlook: Get those snowblowers and shovels ready

Workweek Outlook: Get those snowblowers and shovels ready

Local News |

brlortie replied

Jerry is never wrong, just his timing is off

1 1

Celebrate the season with the annual Tree Lighting ceremony

Celebrate the season with the annual Tree Lighting ceremony

Local News |

brlortie replied

First, it was a yule tree, which was a pagan tradition. Then, it was a Christmas tree. Now, it's a community tree. No biggie

1 0

Health coalition opens campaign office in the Sault (5 photos)

Health coalition opens campaign office in the Sault (5 photos)

Local News |

brlortie replied

Your so sick you need a health care coalition

1 1

Snow squalls expected to continue north of the Sault

Snow squalls expected to continue north of the Sault

Local News |

brlortie replied

And its not funny

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