St. Joseph Island is a wildlife paradise for the outdoor enthusiast, bird watcher, hunter and photographer.
St. Joseph Island is located on the North part of Lake Huron and boasts a rich history.
St. Joseph Island is teaming with wildlife, birds, reptiles and amphibians that inhabit the island along the coast or inland in smaller lakes and ponds
Driving along Highway 548 you can see a multitude of deer along the road.
The deer love to eat along the side of the highway early in the morning or later at night when it is cooler and to get away from the flies.
The Island is a popular spot to hunt deer in the fall.
The St. Joseph Hunters and Anglers' (SJIHA) mission is to promote fish and wildlife conservation through education programs and activities related to conservation issues.
If bird watching is for you, you will not be disappointed on the Island.
Loons, Eagles, Owls, Songbirds, Osprey, Caspian Terns, Blue Jays, Turkey Vultures and many species of ducks inhabit both the coastal waters and inland lakes.
The Wallwork Nature Reserve is Ontario Nature's most northern nature reserve is part of the Jocko Bay Provincially Significant Wetland.
The St. Joseph Island Migratory Bird Sanctuary is located on the southern tip of the island.
Another wonderful spot to bird watch and to take photos is the Fort St. Joseph National Historic Site.
Here you can see over 100 species of birds from water foul to raptors!
Nothing beats the sound of the loons calling late at night or early in the morning.
Watch out for the wild turkeys crossing the roads.
- Sheri Minardi
Read more about the surround nature on St. Joseph Island