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Huron Shores update: boat launches, parks open

Playground equipment remains closed and team sports are not permitted other than to members of the same household
baseball glove and ball stock
The best way to protect yourself is to continue to stay home as much as possible, wash your hands thoroughly and often, and stay two metres apart from others who do not reside in your household.

Vulnerable Persons' Registry is a free, voluntary and confidential service aimed at improving the safety of residents living at home who would be at greater risk in an emergency. To be added to the Registry, please contact the Municipal Office at 705-843-2033 or Clerk/Administrator Tonelli at 705-542-5528. We will contact all those on the Registry and continue to check-in on a more frequent basis, during this Provincial Emergency.

Non-medical Face Coverings (masks, scarves, etc.) are recommended to be worn when physical distancing is a challenge.

If using a face covering, ensure the following:

  • Wash your hands before putting it on and immediately after taking it off;
  • Make sure it fits well and covers your nose and mouth;
  • Change your face covering when it gets slightly wet or dirty and, if reusable, wash in hot water with detergent after each use;
  • Dispose of single-use face coverings into a lined garbage bin and wash your hands.
  • DO NOT touch or move your face covering when wearing it;
  • DO NOT place a face covering on children under the age of two years or on anyone who can't take it off on their own;
  • DO NOT re-use face coverings that cannot be cleaned; and
  • DO NOT share the face coverings with others.

All Municipal Parks and the Village Park Ball Diamond are open to enjoy with members of your household, but the playground and equipment remain closed.

Wash your hands before entering. When in the Park and Ball Diamond, every person is provincially legislated to maintain a physical distance of at least two metres from non-household members.

Team sports are not permitted, unless with members of the same household.

Please note that the benches and picnic tables are not cleaned, nor sanitized. If using these surfaces, it is recommended that you cover them and immediately launder the cover after each use. Use hand sanitizer while in the Park and wash your hands as soon as you get home.

By Provincial Order, social gatherings remain restricted to no more than five persons, until at least May 29. If you do gather, remember to stay at least two metres apart from non-household members.

Municipal Boat Launches remain open to local residents.

When using a Boat Launch, it is necessary that you:

Only boat with those in your immediate household;

While waiting your turn to use the launch, be patient and respectful of others. Maintain physical distancing of at least two metres between yourself and those outside your household. 

Stay home if you feel ill or are experiencing any symptoms of COVID-19.

Thank you for your understanding and cooperation in following all Provincial Orders and Guidelines.
