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Larrett, Allan


Its been one year ago today since our beloved Al died. It's been a very difficult year but with the support and help from family, friends, neighbours, aquantances and strangers we're doing it. Thank you Mathews Memorial Hospital and Sault Area Hospital for being so kind to Al. The EMTS were great the many time they were were at my home, thanks for gentleness. Thanks to JohnsonTwp. Office for being compassionate. The fire department Tarbutt and Bruce Mines a job well done and those who helped after the fire and so many more thanks The young man from Algoma Power thanks for climbing the pole. All the people who helped with the benefit a big thank you To all the many people who helped in any way a thank you Last but not least Kathy Haynes thank you will never be enough for all you have done. I would never have made it without you You are the best
The Larrett Family