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How the time has gone by...and the acuteness of grief naturally softened.

The children are gone, their lives are all full, and the visits with them are not as often.

But the memories of you with those boys are still vivid and will always stay fixed in my mind.

You brought safety, happiness, and trust; those things are often so hard to find.

Your baby girl whom you hardly got to know before you were summoned away

She is twenty-three now, and she is kind, strong, and gets more beautiful day after day.

It felt perfect then, but of course, that’s not life, and challenges test our resolve.

Perseverance is work, heartache is real, and the anguish of loss is never truly absolved.

I wish they could see you; I wish they could know that the breeze that they feel might be you;

A dragonflies’ touch, or a needed moment of strength, but there is never that tangible clue.

Regardless of faith, or the need for the facts, each one of them can still look up above,

And for a time just stop and remember your laugh and’s your love.