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Walter Chisholm Jr (Skippy ) October 6th 2005



My darling Skippy it's hard to believe that 17 years have gone by it just seems like yesterday that we were talking in the kitchen having coffee and thinking what we were going to do for the day, But God had other plans for you honey, he wanted you with him in heaven healed and rejoicing with everyone there so when God calls me I'll be with you, God willing forever. So my dear fellow friends having faith in believing and forgiveness in our Lord you will be there also. I know We don't understand some of the things that happen in the world but with faith we will have the answers when we are with our Lord. Well Skippy I have lots to tell you and my fellow friends this year and you would say OK let's let's put on another pot of coffee haha And of course you would give me that cute little grin. Honey the children are doing fine, busy working and raising their families but they all take time to help mama when I need help and it's harder more and more as you get older right fellow friends. Skippy our grandchildren and great grandchildren are having fun doing great I love them to pieces and as you know fellow friends children always make everyone happy,
they are so innocent and a gift from God. Now my darling I'm so excited to tell you about my summer. Wayne Tammy Shane and Channa gave me a 75th birthday party at the campground Mark's Bay and made it a 50's themed party called Carolyn's Diner With a lot of help from all my campground friends and Mark and Mary made it possible to have such a wonderful party, Over 200 friends came and I got to see friends I have not seen for a while I receive a lot of beautiful gifts and then a surprise from our children, a large barbecue Which I love and can barbecue and cook on the other burner at the same time I always wanted one and Mark and Mary gave me something so unique a hologram picture of my darling Skippy that lights up so I have him around me at all times it's so comforting to me and then I got a beautiful surprise From the campground It's a decoration to put around your campfire place and a chandelier for my new gazebo and also a propane fireplace warmer for the gazebo and the gift of money s
I feel so grateful for my family and friends and I want thank Wayne, Tammy Shane and Channa,Mark and Mary and all my wonderful friends for a 75th birthday party that I will never forget, and Thank you to all of you that helped love you all. Yes mark and Mary said I was allowed 100 people or so for the party but over 200 came so they said next time if there's ever another one they're getting me a large farmland hahaha, but if they only knew more people were invited but couldn't come but I guess They know now ha ha. Thanks Mark and Mary I love you. Well honey I sure had a lot of fun at camp this year with washer toss tournaments ,celebrations of life and birthdays and family gatherings and I know dear fellow friends you had a lot of functions also because we all had to make up for lost time because of how the world changed These past years. So it was nice to have normality back again and it made people happy also my darling Skippy I reminisce of how much fun we had together we've had our differences but when roads get bumpy true love always finds its way. And I know our love kept us strong through the grace of God I miss you so much honey but you are always in my heart forever. Now I have to tell you Skippy who I became friends with in the campground what a coincidence Your cab driver that drove you to dialysis who you became friends move next door to me Less and Lori small world right hun , Less spoke very highly of you as you did of him, and also your nurse Barb lives in the other part of the campground I was driving by there last year and I seen these beautiful flowers I stopped to ask her if I could have a slip and she said yes and how kind she was To come over in the fall and planted them for me in memory of you honey that really touched my heart, well Skippy it was meant to be for me to be with some Of your caregivers and became good friends love them both. Well Skippy as you can see I keep very busy it gets very lonely at times but then I start thinking of you and what you would say how you are not in pain anymore and you are with our Lord and very happy and content so don't worry about me take care of yourself sweetie and enjoy life for the fullest when it's your time you will have a great life here with our Lord till we meet again forever my love. Well fellow friends it's time I sign off for now cause you know I could go on and loving every moment I write you have became my dear fellow friends over all these years and I thank you from the bottom of my heart for taking this time Listening to me and I love you all for that till next year I love you Skippy my darling forever love your Honey Bunny Carolyn. P.S thank you Lord for guiding me in writing this memoriam.