Due to unforeseen circumstances, it is necessary to change the blessing to a livestream from the Diocesan Facebook page (Diocese of Algoma: Shaped by a Living Hope).
Original event information:
Archbishop Anne Germond of the Anglican Diocese of Algoma invites the residents of Sault Ste. Marie to drive by Bishophurst, the official residence of the Bishop, on Sunday afternoon, May 3, between 2 p.m. and 4 p.m., to receive a blessing from her as they remain in their vehicles.
This Sunday is known in the church as "Good Shepherd Sunday." It is a day when the church prays for vocations to ministry, and for the care and leadership exercised by all people in the home, government, school, or workplace. It is also an occasion the church gives thanks particularly for those who serve those enduring poverty, sickness, homelessness, and other need.
The church gives thanks for all essential workers and those who are caring for others as we deal with the current COVID-19 pandemic. It has been praying for our world and for those impacted directly by the virus.
The prayer offered by the Archbishop extends the church's hand of blessing and thanksgiving to all who work so hard for our community during this very challenging time, and to those who are fearful, anxious, or afraid.
The Archbishop's residence is 134 Simpson St., Sault Ste. Marie. Please enter the circular driveway approaching from Queen Street, drive up to the front door under the covered porch, and wind down your window. You will not exit your vehicle. The Archbishop will offer a short blessing prayer and then you will be asked to drive out through the north exit.
If you wish to bring a non-perishable food item for the Sault Ste. Marie food bank, we will ensure it is delivered. There will be someone at each entrance to direct cars into the driveway and to ensure that we are meeting all the provincial and local guidelines.
The Archbishop has been in contact with the Sault Ste. Marie Police and the Algoma Health Unit, and received assurance that plans for this event meet the required guidelines and protocols.
Archbishop Anne looks forward to blessing you and your families on Good Shepherd this Sunday afternoon. Stay safe!