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Queen Street reconstruction moves east to Spring-Brock block

$6.2-million project to be substantially completed this fall
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Road work in downtown Sault Ste. Marie began creeping east today.

After starting late last month on the north side of the March-to-Spring block, work is continuing there but also starting up this week on the same side of the Spring-to-Brock block.

From there, construction will shift to the south side of Queen and work back toward March Street.

Then, work between March and Elgin is tentatively scheduled to start in early August, with a six-week closure of Queen tentatively planned for mid August.

During the past week, here's what general contractor Avery Construction was doing between March and Spring:

  • installed new fire hydrant on north side near 496 Queen after removal of rock
  • commenced excavation and installation of underground soil cells and completed installation near Spring
  • completed repair to existing watermain, new drain and drain lines in basement to replace the old water lines in basement bathroom that broke while removing rock for soil cell which resulted in an unplanned water outage
  • received materials

This week, work crews will continue working on soil cells and installing catch-basins on the north side of the March-Spring block.

Meanwhile, from Spring to Brock, they’re setting up traffic control and closing the westbound lane to the east side of Brock, building a temporary walkway in the removal area and erecting fencing along the walkway to allow access to businesses.

Signs, pay-and-display parking units and bus shelters will be removed as well as existing street lights there.

Removal of curbs, asphalt and paving stones is to start later in the week.

The soil cells being installed are made to provide uncompacted rooting volume for trees.

They are made from 100 per cent recycled plastic and also help with stormwater management.

Construction is expected to be substantially completed in late fall although some work may continue into 2025.


David Helwig

About the Author: David Helwig

David Helwig's journalism career spans seven decades beginning in the 1960s. His work has been recognized with national and international awards.
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