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Blood Pressure Clinic in urgent need of volunteers

Minimum of four new volunteers are required for the continued growth of this program
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The free Blood Pressure Clinic at the Heart and Stroke Foundation has been servicing Sault Ste. Marie residents for over 30 years.

Now, with the demand for blood pressure services continually increasing, the Heart and Stroke Foundation is seeking registered healthcare professionals, active or retired, willing to volunteer their time each month to help run this volunteer-led program.

High blood pressure is the number one risk factor for stroke and a major risk factor for heart disease. It is vital for everyone to have their blood pressure checked regularly by a healthcare provider.

Those in need of more frequent monitoring, however, are often referred by their physicians to the Blood Pressure Clinic for weekly readings.

A minimum of four new volunteers are required for the continued growth of this program. Currently, local nurses volunteer for three hours on Thursdays between 1 - 4 p.m. at the Sault Ste. Marie Heart and Stroke Foundation office on 59 Great Northern Road.

Here, they monitor the blood pressure of 30-50 clients each week. This program helps to ensure that Sault Ste. Marie community members have easy and consistent access to this reliable medical service.

If you are a registered healthcare professional and are available to volunteer for a minimum of one three-hour shift per month, please contact Margo Grawbarger, Heart and Stroke Foundation Area Administrator, at or 705-253-3775.

Heart and Stroke Foundation

The Heart and Stroke Foundation’s mission is to prevent disease, save lives, and promote recovery. A volunteer-based health charity, we strive to tangibly improve the health of every Canadian family, every day. Healthy lives free of heart disease and stroke. Together we will make it happen.


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