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Keeping up with ‘Boomers and Beyond’

Centennial Library, 50 East Street is hosting their 2nd annual drop-in event on Wednesday, June 22



Calling all Baby Boomers and those who are perhaps just a little beyond! The Centennial Library, 50 East Street is hosting our 2nd annual drop-in event on Wednesday, June 22, 2016 from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m.

Throughout the day there will be demonstrations and presentations going on including Tai Chi, Chair Yoga, Healthy Aging, quilting, needle felting and poetry from Erin McLeod. 

Bring a T-shirt with you that you can turn into a book bag in our Craft Corner. 

There will also be table exhibits throughout the library featuring Algoma Public Health, Canadian Hearing Society, Service Canada, Vulnerable Persons Registry, CNIB, and others. 

Starting at 10 a.m. there will be free lunch tickets available for the first fifty people.  

Come play in our full-day Gadget Corner and try out an Android tablet or iPad or get help with your own electronic gadget. See technology at work with the 3-D printer and VHS-DVD Converter.  

The OFRA Uusikoti Campaign will be selling Pulla Coffee Bread during the day and there will be refreshments and door prizes.

Mark your calendars and invite your friends for this free event.

This program has been funded by the Government of Ontario and the Sault Ste. Marie Public Library would like to gratefully acknowledge the Seniors Community Grant for their financial support.


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