In a presentation yesterday afternoon, Korah's Student Senate presented The Twinkie Foundation with a cheque after raising money through the school year.
The students set, and reached, a goal of $1.000.
Following is a full release on the funds raised.
At the start of this school year, Korah's Student Senate set a goal to support one charity in the community. They researched and read up on several and in the end, decided on The Twinkie Foundation as some of Korah’s students and families have accessed funding to go to Sick Kids Hospital in Toronto.
Korah students Annie Varpio and Leah Johnstone took the lead on this initiative, connecting with Karen Lefave of the Twinkie Foundation and explaining what the group wanted to do this year. Their goal was to raise $1,000 through various sweet treat sales at lunch (from donuts, to freezies, to cotton candy). Today, Student Senate was very proud to present a cheque, in the amount of $1,000, to Karen.
ADSB and Korah’s Administration team are both very proud of the efforts made by Korah’s Student Senate and the school community who were very generous in their donations. This was one of three goals Korah’s Student Senate worked towards this year, demonstrating their community mindedness and their commitment to giving back to the community as an important act of citizenship.