Initiative is part of a nation-wide financial literacy program presented by Startup Canada
StartUP Sault Ste. Marie announced today that it will be hosting a Startup Finance Bootcamp for entrepreneurs and business owners on June 7, 2017 from 1 – 4 p.m. at the Delta Sault Ste. Marie Waterfront Hotel
Startup Finance Bootcamp is a 3-hour workshop, featuring a Startup Foundations Workshop by Intuit Quickbooks to learn everything entrepreneurs need to know, from managing cashflow to how to use data to build a sustainable and fundable business.
Mastercard Canada will share how to Master Your Card, and three rounds of six carousel mentorship tables (including funding your business growth, Lean Startup, NOHFC programs, capitalizing on small business tax write-offs, and tech-based funding programs) will wrap up the afternoon.
“We are excited to host this program in Sault Ste. Marie for the second time,” said Nevin Buconjic, StartUP Sault Founder and Community Lead. “Understanding your business’ finances can mean the difference between success and failure, and attendees can build a solid foundation in just an afternoon, thanks to Startup Canada’s Startup Finance Bootcamps program.”
The initiative is part of a nation-wide financial literacy program presented by
Startup Canada, a national, entrepreneur-led movement supporting the development of vibrant startup communities,
Intuit Canada, a leading provider of business, financial and tax management solutions for small & mid-sized businesses, and MasterCard Canada.
The program aims to close the financial literacy gap for entrepreneurs and empower them to pursue sustainable, scalable business opportunities that create value for the local community through job creation and revenue generation.
The Startup Finance Bootcamp is free of charge, and has limited seats remaining. To register
click here.