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Beyond Local

BEYOND LOCAL: Does cinema still stand a chance in the age of serial TV?

BEYOND LOCAL: Does cinema still stand a chance in the age of serial TV?

Professor of Film and Screen Studies says that streaming platforms have consumed and repackaged cinema, making it available to global audiences
BEYOND LOCAL: School fees negatively impact student equity, researcher says

BEYOND LOCAL: School fees negatively impact student equity, researcher says

Many parents feel compelled to pay school fees, even while they feel they shouldn’t have to
BEYOND LOCAL: How failure can produce success in the tech industry

BEYOND LOCAL: How failure can produce success in the tech industry

It took Thomas Edison countless failures before he succeeded in developing a marketable lightbulb
BEYOND LOCAL: The need for diversity to push boundaries in tech, innovation

BEYOND LOCAL: The need for diversity to push boundaries in tech, innovation

Diversity is indispensable to excellence in research and innovation, prof says
BEYOND LOCAL: Vitamin E acetate may be to blame for vaping deaths, says FDA

BEYOND LOCAL: Vitamin E acetate may be to blame for vaping deaths, says FDA

After several deaths blamed on vaping, the United States Food & Drug Administration is investigating substances possibly responsible for sudden lung damage in otherwise healthy people
ONTARIO: Police say man and woman were BOTH in the driver’s seat when they crashed into a pole

ONTARIO: Police say man and woman were BOTH in the driver’s seat when they crashed into a pole

Impaired charges have been laid
BEYOND LOCAL: Should kids have to learn cursive writing in school?

BEYOND LOCAL: Should kids have to learn cursive writing in school?

Older generations have sometimes been shocked that some younger people can’t read a handwritten note
CANADA: How to stay healthy during the first year of college

CANADA: How to stay healthy during the first year of college

Registered dietitian says that the Freshman 15 is not necessarily a myth or truth
CANADA: Airlines hit with $45K in fines in first crackdown under passenger bill of rights

CANADA: Airlines hit with $45K in fines in first crackdown under passenger bill of rights

The new regulations were set out to help Canadian travelers who run into flight bumping, tarmac delays, and damaged luggage issues
CANADA: University of Guelph will teach you how to grow pot online

CANADA: University of Guelph will teach you how to grow pot online

The cannabis production course is already full with 60 students enrolled for the fall