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Chess tourney supports youth mental health (7 photos)

Chess tourney supports youth mental health (7 photos)

Organized by 18-year-old John Pierman, the Mind Over Matter chess tournament is expected to raise up to $1,000 for the Sault Area Hospital’s Child and Adolescent Psychiatry unit
Variety of student services tackled at Algoma U’s Equity Centre

Variety of student services tackled at Algoma U’s Equity Centre

“Most obvious need is food because of the high number of students who come to the Food Pantry. We went from 40 or 50 students a week a year and a half ago to over 200 a week,” said centre director Marissa Ditoro
After three years, Group Health Centre's golf tournament is back

After three years, Group Health Centre's golf tournament is back

This is the Trust Fund's first in-person event since the beginning of the pandemic
Drive addresses need for hygiene items

Drive addresses need for hygiene items

Items can be dropped off at either library location
Bikers roll through Sault to help those dealing with PTSD

Bikers roll through Sault to help those dealing with PTSD

The CEO of The Rolling Barrage, which is stopping overnight in Sault, has been inspired by a military family member, friends
Cycling journey a form of medicine for bikers with Parkinson’s

Cycling journey a form of medicine for bikers with Parkinson’s

Members of the Rigid Riders are passing through the Sault and biking towards St. John’s as part of their cross Canada Spinning Wheels Tour
Spinning Wheels Tour for Parkinson’s cycling towards Sault

Spinning Wheels Tour for Parkinson’s cycling towards Sault

The Rigid Riders are biking upwards of 150 km every day to raise money and awareness for the disease
First-ever Blood, Sweat and Beer charity run happens this fall

First-ever Blood, Sweat and Beer charity run happens this fall

Proceeds go to support the Twinkie Foundation and the Algoma Autism Foundation
3Nolans giving back through sport

3Nolans giving back through sport

The 3Nolans program has geared itself to bringing hockey to Indigenous youths that haven't always had access to hockey camps before
Adopt Me: Fluff has a lot of energy (adopted)

Adopt Me: Fluff has a lot of energy (adopted)

He enjoys being around people